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Our training programs, taking place across Europe are  designed to help educators and school staff understand the rapidly changing world and how it connects with the teaching profession. Hope&Act is inspired by Paulo Friere's Pedagogy of Hope, where he notes that although hope alone is not enough to achieve liberation, without hope there is no struggle at all.

Freire emphasizes the importance of the relationship between educators and students and moves away from the banking model of education. Through the formal curricula we will explore how this pedagogy of hope and values based learning can be weaved into our everyday classroom encounters to form the cornerstone of education and learning. The SDGs are a helpful tool for enhancing existing curricula and engaging the whole school community to consider the relationship between thelocal and the global.

Towards a Pedagogy of Hope, Resilience and Action

Innovating curricula for inclusive & global citizenship through the framework of the UN Global Goals (SDGs)

Teachers across our partner countries canreceive free training on using the SDGs todeliver both the formal and the informalcurriculum as well as methodologies toenhance pupils' critical thinking skills.


2021/2022 dates

  • Session 1, 7 October 2021 (2 hours / 4pm-6pm)

  • Session 2, 14 October 2021 (2 hours / online session / 4pm-6pm)

  • Session 3, 26 October 2021 (2 hours / 4pm-6pm)

  • Session 4, 20 January 2022  (Full day / 10am- 4.30pm)

  • Session 5, 7 July 2022  (2 hours / 4pm-6pm**)


** Time subject to change.


We are offering fully-funded spaces for teachers.




​Training sessons wll support teachers to:

  • Using the SDGS to deliver curriculum objectives

  • Develop facilitation, project management skills and pupil leadership

  • Facilitate pupil-led community cohesion projects

  • Trial activities, resources and lesson plans to develop pupils’ critical thinking, including building a community of enquiry in the classroom(schools involved will be credited in the final project toolkit.)

To learn more about the work, contact us

'Diversity & Belonging', 'Into the world of Work (for VET learners)'  and 'Team Building' Photos by Lou Jasmine (@missloujasmine) by The Unmistakables (@_unmistakables)

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