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Our training programs, taking place across Europe are  designed to help educators and school staff understand the rapidly changing world and how it connects with the teaching profession.


At Changemakers UnLimited we are committed to helping educators  equip their learners to make sense of the globalised world and their place in it, through critical thinking and experiential learning. Interdependence and collaboration are values which lie at the core of the work we do, and form the basis of the skills and knowledge disseminated through our training courses. 

Skills for the 21st century educator

Together we will reflect on:

  • How can we promote intercultural communication & global citizenship?

  • How do we develop 21st century critical thinkers?

  • How does our methodology need to grow to meet the needs of the 21st century classroom?

  • How can competence-based methodology become a reality in our contexts?

  • How can new ICT tools help develop new skills to foster employability?

Image by Emily Morter
WhatsApp Image 2020-04-27 at 13.06.14.jpeg


We also create bespoke tailor-made courses to suit the needs of your staff and organisation




  • 5 days of training with take-home materials for classroom use

  • Opportunities for small group work with course facilitators, to develop you own school projects based on the course topics,

  • **NEW FOR 2021** Project Management tools, advice and tips, specific to each course

  • A cultural visit in the city of Valencia or  London (course venues)

  • An educational visit to a relevant organisation

  • Hands-on interactive workshops to encourage collaborative participation.

  • Use of ICT tools.

  • A free subscription to our virtual platform.

To learn more about the work, contact us

'Diversity & Belonging', 'Into the world of Work (for VET learners)'  and 'Team Building' Photos by Lou Jasmine (@missloujasmine) by The Unmistakables (@_unmistakables)

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